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We almost got snow today and it's going to be slightly colder than usual. Actually subzero for once. Some people in Newcastle have even been considering buying coats, apparently.
We almost got snow today and it's going to be slightly colder than usual. Actually subzero for once. Some people in Newcastle have even been considering buying coats, apparently.
It was forecast to snow here but that changed this morning. I got drenched on the way home which sucked. Radar is telling me it's snowing just now but I can't see any.
Speaking about the cold, firmly above 0 C (up to 10 mid day) and without any elements, partial obstruction by clouds.

I took a walk to work today. Halfway over I noticed it's really not that cold to have a zipped up jacket. Entrance to the building, already warmed up to even have a jacket on me while climbing few floors worth of stairs. Open up the company door and there's a fucking flame pit inside at 25 degrees all external air shut off everyone seemingly freezing their asses off.

The collegue who commutes by foot or bike just like I do, in same situation as I am...we're burning everyone else is frozen. You see, if you nonstomp do 20-22(c) AC in home, in car, whenever and wherever, if you find yourself on 15 degrees in your normal wardrobe you'll be feeling cold. It's all a matter of perception unless temperatures get so high or so low (like our NA friends here) they have a great physical effect...0 degree is neither, and it doesn't fall below 5 here anyway.

This reminds me of the first big wave of AC purchases that happened in late 90s/turn of the century here. Largely due to fallen purchase power and other priorities during the war, huge air conditioner proliferation occurred in 5 years worth of time. What I personally remember, is that before this period, 30 and a notch Celsius was just summer, after it, the same number became hell on Earth.

P.S. disclaimer : this post has 0 to do with global warming.