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Same here. We have surprise fire drills too. I've been told that British people are obsessed with fire but I'd rather be prepared than roasted alive.
We have surprise fire drills. And then sometimes the alarm system malfunctions when it's snowing out and we have even more surprise fire drills.
Again in the northwest, where they are actually having proper winter with snow and several degrees below 273K, and not the usual 275 with horizontal rain straight in from the Atlantic. which is what winter usually is like in this part of the country.

During our flight here I saw sufficiently much of the night sky to deduce from the stars that we were for some time flying straight west (somewhat unusual as we normally follow a pretty straight line north-northwest). Had we continued on that heading we would've landed in Bergen instead of Molde ...
several degrees below 273K
Hipster Wingman using Kelvin.
Yeah, I did it in the AM as well in the laden condition. My office is on 6, but the first floor is like a double floor, so it's 6 flights; I had been on 2nd floor for this particular day. I've been making it 4 flights pretty consistently. Once I can do all six without too much pain I'll start timing it and trying to push it. But that's in the future a fair way.
Good stuff. In my old building I went a couple of months mainly using the stairs - partially because the lift was terrifying! - which was painful. At the time I was doing quite well with exercise but all that stopped suddenly as my workload increased. I was doing the stairs a bit last summer after I finished the PhD but as that was at the end of an hour long walk it was a bit of overkill. The walk to and from work is the only exercise I can get right now but it's better than sitting on the bus. Hopefully I'll be able to start running again sometime but I think I fucked up my hamstrings last time.
Good stuff. In my old building I went a couple of months mainly using the stairs - partially because the lift was terrifying! - which was painful. At the time I was doing quite well with exercise but all that stopped suddenly as my workload increased. I was doing the stairs a bit last summer after I finished the PhD but as that was at the end of an hour long walk it was a bit of overkill. The walk to and from work is the only exercise I can get right now but it's better than sitting on the bus. Hopefully I'll be able to start running again sometime but I think I fucked up my hamstrings last time.
Yeah, I'm tossing some yoga in and doing stairs, walking a bit more. Hoping it helps, anyway.
The old Cup Winners' Cup. 32 teams, straight knockout, all ballots in the same drum. In other news, the diversity of professionals on MaidenFans is increasing


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