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Got a great flying experience today, with flying over all kinds of terrain and some pretty nice views along the way. And the instructor was happy with my navigation, although he had some advice to offer as well, especially regarding how I marked the route on my maps. Probably set a new record for the number of radio stations contacted in one trip as well. And these ATC people are really helpful, they really do a lot to make flying safer and easier for all of us up there.

The landing back at ENKJ was kinda rough though, It was noticeable that it was a while since I landed in a gusty crosswind like we had today.

Florence is going to make Carolina and Georgia very wet for the next couple of days. She's some lady.
Operation shrink Bearfan is working great. Early June I weighed (bleh) 236.7lbs (107Kg), got down to 199.4lbs (90.4Kg) today. Goal is 185 (84Kg), feel a lot better .. more energy, old aches and pains are going away, etc. Wish I had done this sooner.

Basically I have been eating less for breakfast, I cut 5 regular Mountain Dews a day to 2 Mountain Dew Ice's a day, and walk 4-5 miles (6.5-8km) at a rapid pace (when I get back, I am pouring with sweat ... I go at about 4MPH (6.5 KM/hr) and twice a week I add run intervals over 2 miles at 6MPH aka 9.6KM/hr). I have only missed 5 days over the past few months (bad allergies one day, pouring rain twice, early work stuff twice)

Has been easier than I thought it would be.

Guess I am just bragging here.