Deleted member 7164
If you think DHL is bad try Croatian Mail. You order stuff from Mars and it reaches distribution centre in matter of 3 days, and then Cro Postal Office takes charge. Then you wait for a week. Their postmen are also lazy idiots who don't even carry mail with them around. They'll just leave it in the post office and bring you a note. The law is you can pick it up one day after the note has been signed. Years and years ago, I was going out in the morning and I see postman in the hallway pushing the note into my mailbox. "Well I rang and nobody responded so I..." shut the fuck up asshole, where's my mail? Not only that you cannot get the package today, tomorrow you'll need to go to sole distribution centre that's in semi-failed industrial zone full of mud, sunk concrete layers, and otherwise decades-unmaintained infrastructure, so if it rains you better bring your speedo. If you can get through that, you'll be dealing with a 2 queue office full of retards that looks straight out of Habsburg Empire.