Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Natalie said:
Oh, I love being pissed. I also love being high. Therefore, I shall go get high.

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn't do much better
Come on baby, light my fire

as high as it gets

Deano said:
By "snowing" are you inferring another drug reference?

Nah, I'm just fucking sick of that cold shit falling on the ground.  People can't drive worth a damn in it.  I drove along a 4 lane interstate, about 150 miles, and there were 10 semi-trucks in the ditch, 15 autos, a couple on their tops, one on the side, one with the rear wheel broken off, and a state plow over a 25 foot drop-off on its side. 

--sorry, i'm grumpy and people suck!! 

But I am spaming!!
It's only one song. You knew it was gonna be played before they announced the tour! So what? It's my #2 all time fave song!

And Onhell, I found out you live in Phoenix and not Mexico!  :blush:

..I thought your profile said Mexico on it!  :P My bad, mate!