Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

spam to the hills, spam for your lives

@Onhell... Tucson!!  Wow!!  I have a buddy that was just down there partying last weekend... braggs about how its warm there, while I am chipping the ice off my windows....
::) spam to the hills ..........
he is the only one that can say -German citizen, Mythos drinker

don't let us to the darkness Sneaky

@Dean : exept Mythos, do you have some other preferences in beer ??
what about wine ?? do you like it ?? and if yes, what kind of wine ??
My preferences in beer are broad, being an American; I can't stand most mainstream American beer (who can?) There are good microbrews here; Arrogant Bastard Ale and Sierra Nevada are probably my favorites.

The ones to come to mind as real favorites are Mythos (of course), Paulaner, Guinness, Heineken (preferably fresh from Amsterdam) and Sapporo.

I have never been much of a wine enthusiast, although I did have a few good glasses while I was in St. Lo as I was telling you earlier. Don't know the names unfortunately. Other than that, I did drink a lot of Mad Dog 20/20 and Night Train as a kid.
Well,  first of all I don't live in Germany anymore.  I'm studying medicine in Athens now (guess I have to change that in my profile).  As for the beer,  well I can't say much.  I'm not really a beer drinker,  so I haven't tried it yet.  But since you're so insistent on finding out,  I promise to try it as soon as possible.
:bigsmile: damn Sneaky you confuse me all the time !!  :bigsmile:

I'm not really a beer drinker

hell Sneaky you lived in Germany ....

well Dean, I guess our quest is not finished yet, all we need is a "German" that has tasted Mythos
...maybe freaky ??

Thanks much! If I give you my address, can you send me a case?

holy hell !! I've tasted in the past this Mythos, I'm sure about it -but still no memories about its taste
That a beer? Name rings a bell but can't quite place it.

Less than 750 posts to go and 15 days to do it! We're up to a 50 posts a day pace now.
So I open this question to all members: Anyone ever been to Jordan before?

Hey, still waiting on a good answer for the pecan/walnut debate raging in my mind.............
Maybe he means Michael Jordan...?  :D

Ok, Deano, here is a nut fact:

• Walnut and pecan are closely related, both members of the Juglandaceae
While they are not cross- or graft-compatible, there are several aspects of their
botany that are similar. One of the main differences, responsible for much higher
yields in walnuts than pecans, is the propensity to bear nuts from lateral buds on
1-yr-old wood in walnut, not just terminal buds. This one feature makes a big
difference in the yields per acre and orchard design between pecan and walnut.
YES!!! Thank you wasted! I was beginning to think I would need to post this in the random trivia thread to get some serious research done.  :D

Actually I am talking about the country Jordan.....
go up image

Deano said:
YES!!! Thank you wasted! I was beginning to think I would need to post this in the random trivia thread to get some serious research done.  :D

Actually I am talking about the country Jordan.....

this thread is the thread of threads mate !! you should have known that !!
all the answers can be found here !!

the only problem is that you need to search a lot, by pressing some hundrend times the changing page bottom
Yes, all the answers are here _____________no5! I have seen the light. Now I am going to need you to go through and proofread the thread for spelling and grammatical errors and for accuracy and relevance. Please get back to me with that ASAP. :D