Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

How bout this book

"There is an enormous mechanical statue of the book in Ashgabat, the country's capital. Each evening at 8:00 pm, the cover opens and a recording of a passage from the book is played with accompanying video." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhnama)
One of the beautiful, awe-inspiring things I have learned from school is that Nicholas Cage stole the Declaration of Independence.
Felt like garbage in the morning but got the exam done. Whoooh, I'm glad this is over with. :notworthy:
As for weather, windy and unforgiving but pleasantly white. If only we had clear skies (I feel like it's been months since I last saw the sun), one of my favourite wintry combinations is a cold clear windless day.
I'll have seen two Legacy of the Beast shows by then, and Scorpions so that's OK I guess. I booked my flights to/from Scandinavia this morning. Need to sort out accommodation now.
I've been there. They have an aviation museum there. (Or, not exclusively aviation, there's also some other motor stuff there)
The Shuttleworth Collection.

I saw a TV programme once in which a group of enthusiasts were restoring a Tiger Moth biplane that had essentially been reduced to flat-pack status in an accident. When they started tracing its history they found out that the MOD had tried to requisition it for something or other during WWII but eventually gave up looking and just wrote "Biggleswade?".

The canny owner of the plane had apparently "hidden" it in the Shuttleworth Collection, to stop them getting it.
There was a song with a line that sounded a lot like 'it just stopped there at Biggleswade'. I think it was 'it was never meant to be this way'.
It's pretty obvious to me that Travis' picture shows the stats only for the Maiden Chat forum.

It's not!

Actually I wanted to see MF on Google and how it ranks with searches. Clean tab, searching just "Iron Maiden" this site was nowhere near the first 5 pages because it led me to localized searches who were full of news sites of upcoming gig. However if you google "Iron Maiden forum" it's 1st, and you get that snippet I posted.