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While I have absolutely no love lost for either of these two religions, I still think both books are a lot better literature than e.g. The Da Vinci Code - which I guess is the most overrated book ever. If it qualifies as a book, that is.
I think that the Bible (haven't read anything in the Quran) is itself an interesting work of literature, and has some really iconic and memorable stories within it. Is it real? Eh....

And I remember quite liking Moby Dick btw.
Score for Team: Whale. :ok:
The Da Vinci Code was a kind of spin off to the Bible, wasn't it?
Dunno, wasn't it more a spin-off of stuff that didn't get included in the Bible? (Disclaimer; I haven't read The Da Vinci Code).

Speaking of. If Christians swear on the Bible and Muslims swear on the Quran, should conspiracy theorists swear on the Da Vinci Code in court?
If Christians swear on the Bible and Muslims swear on the Quran
You have to swear on the Bible, though. Nothing else is allowed.

Listening to Sabaton at full blast is like having the mother of all mood swings.

Attero Dominatus - "I'll have you for breakfast, you little rat."
A Lifetime of War - "This is all so insane."
Ghost Division - "I'm on it! I've got this!"
Resist and Bite - "Come and get it, mofos! Who wants a piece of me?"
The Price of a Mile - "This has been going on forever, and why are we doing this anyway?"
Swedish Pagans - "I'm ready to go to Valhalla. You lead the way."

94% of this entire forum is essentially spam, and you wonder why we have waves of spam bots here? It's like their mecca.