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Yeah, but don't forget that Rambo took out a helicopter with his bow and arrow... that has to count for something.

I am thinking the pretzel maker has to be pretty loose too....what about a drunken pretzel maker?
Good point. I don't want to jump ahead and totally neglect the pretzel maker but your new avatar inspired me; Pirate or Godzilla?
I'm thinking sour dough.

and i think, no, there are no other types of pirate.  But is there a difference between a rum drunk, a wine drunk, and a beer drunk?
Sour dough gives the advantage to the pretzel maker. As for the kinds of drunk; reference my latest post in the Pot Vending Machine thread.
You know Onhell,  last time there was a pirate vs ninja debate you said only brainless people would pick a pirate over ninja.  Can't find that thread though  :P.
Mmm...Donuts said:

Benny Lava.  :bigsmile:

Powergirl81 said:
You Canadians praise that Keith's stuff. I better try one next time I'm up that way!  :ok: I doubt you could find it here in the states, eh? A case of that may be pretty pricey...

I'm sure you can find.  You just need to be committed.  I know AZ has Moosehead, so Penn State has to have even better stuff.
Well ninja's have seeming supernatural powers...so I'd choose a ninja. But you wouldn't be able to have a ninja vs. pirate rave party if you didn't have people who'd choose a pirate :P.
I was always with the pirates.
pirates sail on oceans.
the real problem with the oceans is that there is this big difference in time zones between the costs.
---> between 4am- 8am no posts

solution :
some pirates with net connection in their ship and a maidenfans membership.
to fill the gap between the time that east cost goes to sleep and Europe wakes up.

EDIT: 48 to Armagedon
SneakySneaky said:
You know Onhell,  last time there was a pirate vs ninja debate you said only brainless people would pick a pirate over ninja.  Can't find that thread though  :P.
I think you are right, but I've come to my senses and realize the super powers of the drunk Pirate :D

Deano said:
I'm "on board" with that.  :) ... Pirate vs. Drunk Ninja?

A drunk Ninja is useless, because this is not a case where two negatives make a positive because being a ninja is already a plus, just that a drunk Pirate can kick his ass :p