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I wish!!  I have no tickets this time 'round, unless they drop a few shows in the middle of the states.  However, maybe I will take a shot at Toronto the next time the Blues go there... good shot that st louis can win, and i can find some good brew!!!
Subtly...hmmm... we had that here once, but there were only a few practitioners of it, so we all gave it up.  :D

That does sound good, I love beer on tap!!!
I just clicked on fox sports and saw that the Blues downed the Leafs 3-2 in Toronto.... I shoulda been there drinking some Keith's!!
I went to Montreal once for Canada Day (July 1). I drank much strange brew in many a different pub and out on the street, the next day I made it back across the border somehow. That's really all I remember  :blink:
You Canadians praise that Keith's stuff. I better try one next time I'm up that way!  :ok: I doubt you could find it here in the states, eh? A case of that may be pretty pricey...
Deano said:
I agree, Ninja. Against a pirate, Ninja.

I disagree. First you have to take into consideration of the pirate is drunk or not, because a drunken pirate is as loose and agile as any ninja. Also... proximity. if in close enough range the pirate can shoot the ninja before butchering him with his Cutlass or long sword.... I take Pirate, not only for the points mentioned here, but because whether he wins or loses his last words will be "AAARRRGGGH" :D
Hmm, at first I was tempted to say Indiana Jones... the whip is a handy asset, but then I asked myself. Is the Pirate Drunk?.... end of debate :D

Yeah, but don't forget that Indy has the pistol (depending on which movie you watch).

Unless the pirate is Jack Sparrow, and then its Capt Jack, all the way!

As much as I appreciate the ability to stitch your own wounds and liberate all of Afghanistan from Soviet troops with a machine gun in both your hands, pirates don't need to do that.

Pirate or pretzel baker?