Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I didn't have to serve, due to a medical condition. This condition was fixed half-way through that year. Yay for the treatment queue, which allowed me to work instead of freezing my arse off somewhere up North.
Mandatory army service was suspended in 2011 here.

I would've voluntarily gone if the focus was on actually teaching you some useful survival & combat stuff, rather than trying to break your will and "turn boys into men". My dad served in winter and did something minor to piss an officer off; resulted in some punishment that almost ended in him getting both his feet cut off. Got really bad frostbite, was probably outside for too long or something like that, don't remember.
Abe Lincoln wouldn't lie.

Sleep the last few days has been interesting. I flew to Europe, stayed up until 7 CET, and then passed out. Apparently I now have sleep apnia, and that led my girlfriend to keep prodding me to roll over so I would sleep better, and less loudly. She is now sleeping in...because I guess she woke up worried sick about me not breathing right.

So yeah, that's fun.
Abe Lincoln wouldn't lie.

Sleep the last few days has been interesting. I flew to Europe, stayed up until 7 CET, and then passed out. Apparently I now have sleep apnia, and that led my girlfriend to keep prodding me to roll over so I would sleep better, and less loudly. She is now sleeping in...because I guess she woke up worried sick about me not breathing right.

So yeah, that's fun.

Great. I'm about to move in with a sleep apnoea sufferer as well. >.<
Well, what an eventful few days I've had. And only managed around 10 hours sleep since I woke up on Monday morning. Details to follow.
That's not gonna fly. Wait for all big YouTubers to protest instead of bending over.

This is PC culture on steroids. An absolute attack on free speech.