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A little quote from my hero, Johnathan Gentry.
Rockefeller, Rothschild, & the rest of these world elites are having (round the clock) backroom meetings at this point. because they know Donald Trump will expose & blow a hole in their New World Order Agenda if he gets into office. They're not concerned about Hillary. She's already a paid puppet who's a pathological liar, she pose no threat to them. She'll do whatever she's told. Like I said before, They didn't see Trump coming @ this magnitude. Now they're nervous as hell (literally) & taking him a little more serious. This man is sweeping pretty much every state & exposing who these politicians really are, (soliciting prostitutes for Hire). Donald Trump made these elites switch to plan B, C, D, now E, leaving them "Empty"! Even media can't contain the situation, All they can do at this point is collaborate with Politicians, Anonymous, Paid Protesters & slander his name 24/7. It's all hands on deck at this moment. Donald Trump is "Pushin' it" to them real good. like Salt n Pepa. Some will say Trump doesn't have America's best interest, well ask yourself this question? Do these wicked World elites who's pushing a New World Order, have your best interest???? Donald Trump has become a major threat to them, their plan, program, & agenda. This isn't about Donald Trump, This is about control. And these elites won't have (Control) if Trump takes office. That is what they're desperately trying to stop. They know they must do something fast. This man blew a hole in their program. I'm only telling you what's taking place behind closed doors.
Ain't no chance in hell I'm reading that BS, the first couple of words are enough. Sorry Travis.


Shitty thing to happen NP. I'd panic for sure. Hell, I'm just learning how to deal with people who stop you to ask for money. Not the best thing that I'm obsessive (and compulsive) about threats from strangers and random events.
I hope to see planet Nibiru soon. I think it's supposed to be in orbit near the Earth. Here is more info on it: http://www.krschannel.com/Nibiru-.html
This website is full of interesting information:
The moon alien base is another shocker that most people were never aware of. During the first landing of Apollo 11, they not only discovered a spaceship was following them from earth to the moon, but, when they landed on the Sea of Tranquility site, they saw glass pyramids taller than Empire State Building, ruined military bunkers, spaceships and underground basements. How do you think they discovered wireless technology, fiber optics, cell phones and yes, MS Windows? You also want to ask yourself, what was inside those moon basements, and pyramids?
I never knew MS Windows was "discovered" on the moon!
Shitty thing to happen NP. I'd panic for sure.
I would've panicked more if the guy was more physically imposing... and if I wasn't in my neighbourhood. Much less scary when you're on familiar territory.

I'm just learning how to deal with people who stop you to ask for money.
I don't really give money to beggars because, like I said, I rarely have cash on me. One time I did give some money to a gypsy who was "hungry" then later saw her buying a pack of cigars <_<
So on the way home some two dudes stopped me because "I looked like some asshat they know" and I "should be lucky they didn't stab me on the spot" but I should "do them a favour" meaning give them money. Luckily I spent all my money for the evening and either way I only use cash when I have to - I prefer cards. So he was like "doesn't matter then" and let me go. It wasn't some dark alley or anything (pretty close to a bus and cab station), although it was night. I didn't panic too much so I'm quite proud of myself. Still a shitty situation though.
OMG! I'm VERY VERY THANKFUL that you are OK!
He's also friends with Hillary, who we all know is the leader of the Lizard People.

I don't really give money to beggars because, like I said, I rarely have cash on me. One time I did give some money to a gypsy who was "hungry" then later saw her buying a pack of cigars <_<
I gave some pizza to a homeless guy once. I would never give them money as I don't know what they'll do with it.
I never give money to the homeless, I have given them food once in a while (usually when on vacation if we have extra stuff when we are leaving) . When we went to Berlin, the gypsies were pretty numerous and aggressive .. annoying as fuck
I never give money to the homeless, I have given them food once in a while (usually when on vacation if we have extra stuff when we are leaving) . When we went to Berlin, the gypsies were pretty numerous and aggressive .. annoying as fuck

That is the most annoying aspect of visiting large cities in Europe. I don't know how it is in the US.
In Glasgow, some jakey asking "you any spare change for the bus, pal?" is pretty common. They have no intention of boarding a bus & are soon to be seen grovelling around picking up some half-smoked cigarette they've just spotted on the ground. Sometimes I give them a few bob...
At least five times today, I heard people comment about how quickly time goes by.
On the other hand, if we're waiting for something, time can seem to move very slowly.
Have you ever felt that time is just moving at its normal pace?