Travis The Dragon
A little quote from my hero, Johnathan Gentry.
Rockefeller, Rothschild, & the rest of these world elites are having (round the clock) backroom meetings at this point. because they know Donald Trump will expose & blow a hole in their New World Order Agenda if he gets into office. They're not concerned about Hillary. She's already a paid puppet who's a pathological liar, she pose no threat to them. She'll do whatever she's told. Like I said before, They didn't see Trump coming @ this magnitude. Now they're nervous as hell (literally) & taking him a little more serious. This man is sweeping pretty much every state & exposing who these politicians really are, (soliciting prostitutes for Hire). Donald Trump made these elites switch to plan B, C, D, now E, leaving them "Empty"! Even media can't contain the situation, All they can do at this point is collaborate with Politicians, Anonymous, Paid Protesters & slander his name 24/7. It's all hands on deck at this moment. Donald Trump is "Pushin' it" to them real good. like Salt n Pepa. Some will say Trump doesn't have America's best interest, well ask yourself this question? Do these wicked World elites who's pushing a New World Order, have your best interest???? Donald Trump has become a major threat to them, their plan, program, & agenda. This isn't about Donald Trump, This is about control. And these elites won't have (Control) if Trump takes office. That is what they're desperately trying to stop. They know they must do something fast. This man blew a hole in their program. I'm only telling you what's taking place behind closed doors.