Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I should be about to arrive in Reading. Instead I'm sitting in the train station in Birmingham waiting on the last train to Reading. I'm two hours behind schedule because some safety concerns with a bridge caused the cancellation of all trains between Glasgow and Carlisle. I had to get a bus to Carlisle and then wait on a driver to arrive for the train then had to change at Crewe. When I checked the trains at 8AM everything was running smoothly but by 10:30AM everything had changed. If I'd known before I'd left then I'd have gone to Edinburgh instead and come to Birmingham via Newcastle.

Today has not gone to plan. At least I've ordered a pizza to arrive at my house shortly before I do.
My new year's resolution is to get a better job.

Also to stop worrying about things as much, and just enjoy myself and have a good time as much as possible.

Here's to a fantastic 2016!
Happy New Year, everyone!

On the last day of 2015, I cut off my long hair, most likely found an apartment, and finished filming a music video that is 365 days in the making! :nana: