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25 hours to see Star Wars, going to Disney World Friday, then seeing the Blackhawks v Stars next Tuesday ... a thrilling week upcoming ... oh yeah, then Christmas/New Year
2015 is the year of loneliness for me. Won't think of it fondly, except for some bright moments of positivity here and there. Almost got into a mild depression this year before turning it around in May.

2014 was much better.
Man, 2015 sucked (not even taking world events into consideration). Fail after fail. I thought the year was going to be amazing, but it became some kind of limbo halfway through, lol. Let's hope for Star Wars to bring me some positivity tomorrow (yes, my 2015 highlight is a movie) :P 2016 can be only better.
Well, for me, personally, 2015 has been a great year. A fantastic trip to Sweden, a good job, good friends. My government finally is being run by good people again, no more Conservative morons fucking things up. I met a famous hockey player, I went on several successful road trips, and I have two tickets for Iron Maiden next year.
I did go to an Opeth gig this year with my friend. That's probably the highlight of this year for me, aside from the depression avoidance of mid-May.
2015 was definitely way better than 2014 for me. Most concerts I've seen in one year, most different countries I've visited in one year. Major positive is that I started going to the gym, and passed more exams than ever (which really doesn't say much, 'cause it's still a small number). Major negative is that I had to cut my hair but it was probably for the best.

Oh who am I kidding, most important thing is that I didn't go back to Montenegro :yey:
Anyone going to hit up AC/DC next year? Tickets are too much for me. Plus, they're still completely ignoring stuff from Flick Of The Switch, Fly On The Wall, and Blow Up Your Video and are only doing Thunderstruck from Razor's Edge and those are my 4 most favorite albums because they're a little more creative for the band's simple style and they have a bit of a harder edged feel to them.