Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Yeah, when I was a kid. Then I realized my tendency to put everything I can find into every meal wouldn't go down well with everyone :P
That yesterday was actually just an instant soup, but I do plan on making them from scratch soon. So thanks! :ok:

For the past 18 months, all I've eaten for lunch at uni is my own homemade soups. It definitely tastes better when it's the work of your own hands.
Nice! My favorite is veal soup. It's not available as an instant soup though :( Think that'll be the first one I'll try to make.
Just had someone ask me this, "Will electing a president that's not racist get us out of debt faster?". #Trump2016 #NaplesWantsMaiden
I won $200 on the slots ant the bar tonight! I made sure to put that money to good use;) I kinda think I should go to slleep right now before I do something too stupid (Like try to contact an ex..
You spent it all on booze, didn't you? :p
Not all of it..
Saved some for greasy food on the way home?
Does Taco Bell count?
If it's the Colorado, Washington State, or Oregon type Taco Bell. ;)
I get the joy of dealing with Comcast's "wonderful" customer service later. About 3 weeks ago, we got 2 additional digital cable boxes and they said those cost $10/month each and they also offered to double our internet speed and give us DVR free for 6 months. However, our bill this month is $70 more than last month. I have a feeling that they screwed up and accidentally charged us for those services which were supposed to be free.
@Forostar @Cornfed Hick @LooseCannon @SinisterMinisterX @Night Prowler and @all other members:

As an ongoing side-project, I'm trying to clear out the mess that is the Music Discussion Forum. I want it to be more attractive to encourage more discussion. Anyway, in this particular case, I'd like to remove the ridiculously off-topic discussion about Emma Watson from the Primordial thread. I tagged all those who participated in it because I would be removing your posts, and therefore, I ask you for your permission to do this. I think this discussion has no place in this thread and it might discourage new members from participating in the thread. If you feel that this discussion is worth saving, I can move it someplace else... I think there is a Harry Potter thread somewhere. But I want it out of this thread. Any objections?
My first comment also had to do with the music and lyrics. If you can keep that one (or only delete the part about that moving gif) I'd appreciate that. If complicated, no sweat.

Delete the rest of the Potter/Watson related discussion? That's fine with me!

And since I wanted to say something about Harry Potter I'll do it right here, right now:
I can tell that I have seen the first Harry Potter film (yesterday) and intend to see the 2nd tonight.

I have heard audiobooks (Dutch translations, read by a very good reader, who does the voices very well) from the first 4 Potter novels (well, more like 3 and a half). Very nice stuff. Nice in the car during long drives (did that in Germany/Denmark earlier this year).

So: I have seen Emma Watson. :D

edit: the stuff on page 2 isn't Watson/Potter related. Will you keep that?
I would only delete the stuff that relates only to Emma Watson and not to Primordial. The rest, about whether or not Primordial are boring is relevant, of course. Even if I don't agree with the content. :P