Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Let's be honest -- this thread title does kind of look like a spam thread title. Especially when one logs on to see a dozen spam.

@Jon: can you install some sort of avatar for @The Ancient Mariner? He hasn't actually posted here in well over a decade, but this thread "looks like" a spam thread with an avatar missing. Use any art you like, I don't recall if he ever had an avatar.

Or better yet, if you can lock threads against any kind of accidental deletion, this is the one to lock please. :cool:
Spammers think we don't notice things like users named "Donna Teague" claiming to be male.

This is why the technological singularity will never happen. Why Skynet or the Matrix will never take control. Humanity can't even build a spambot with half a brain cell... d'you really think we're gonna create some kind of superior intelligence?
I'm on course for 10,000 before the end of the year, which is alarming, considering I only joined in 2012.

This is why the technological singularity will never happen. Why Skynet or the Matrix will never take control. Humanity can't even build a spambot with half a brain cell... d'you really think we're gonna create some kind of superior intelligence?

When they become self-aware, the first thing they'll take out is Maidenfans.com.
The bad news: My pool team lost our playoff matchup, we're now completely done until the spring session starts up. The good news: I struck up a great conversation with a stranger at the bar via my Maiden t-shirt. He apparently hasn't heard anything post AMOLAD. I made a pretty good case for TBOS.
The bad news...
There was some sort of booze shortage, right?
My pool team lost our playoff matchup...
You were drunk I assume?
...we're now completely done until the spring session starts up.
Plenty of time to fill up with beers then!
The good news: I struck up a great conversation with a stranger at the bar...
Where? At the bar?! Were you there while your team was losing, or was this later?