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I had a really neat thing happen to me over the weekend.

Those who know me know that I play and run roleplaying games (such as Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, etc). One of my players recently won a homebrew contest at a local microbrewery, where the prize was to have his beer professionally produced and featured at Oktoberfest 2015, with the remnants being bottled for sale. He decided to name it after his D&D character, and this is the result:


It's a pretty good beer for people who like this style. A bit more bitter than I love, but very flavourful. Anyway, they presented me with one of the bottles that he was able to purchase - there wasn't much left after Oktoberfest!
I had a really neat thing happen to me over the weekend.

Those who know me know that I play and run roleplaying games (such as Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, etc). One of my players recently won a homebrew contest at a local microbrewery, where the prize was to have his beer professionally produced and featured at Oktoberfest 2015, with the remnants being bottled for sale. He decided to name it after his D&D character, and this is the result:


It's a pretty good beer for people who like this style. A bit more bitter than I love, but very flavourful. Anyway, they presented me with one of the bottles that he was able to purchase - there wasn't much left after Oktoberfest!
I was looking at the Iron Maiden subreddit today and I saw someone talking about the highest note Bruce ever hit and the fact it was on Gangland. Before even looking at the name, I instantly knew who it was.

I use to frequent the r/metal board on there. After awhile, I kind of got tired of seeing the same things posted/same bands worshiped so I stopped going. I did run into Knickerbocker once or twice though.
I sometimes browse those subreddits, but I find myself getting bored same as you. Same stuff, same opinions, same jokes over and over again and most of the bands posted I have zero interest in.
Yea I see that Knickerbocker character on reddit quite a bit.

r/metal sucks, the content posted is meh and the discussions are filled with very annoying regular posters. I go in occasionally for their album of the week (which is usually pretty good) and their really in depth release calendars, but that's about it. For all the great music subreddits there are, there doesn't seem to be a single decent one for metal.