Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Let's talk about the birds and the bees. Everybody happy?

I am not at earth to make everybody happy, sorry. Not every day, at least. ;)
Man, Janick just doesnt age. Most those guys STILL look incredible for their age.
Anything prompt this outburst?
Yes, lighten up guys...


Sorry, that just wasn't hilarious enough.
Let's talk about the birds and the bees. Everybody happy?

I am not at earth to make everybody happy, sorry. Not every day, at least. ;)
We've already talked about the birds & the bees today. Or at least NP was...
Let's do some happy metal. In this case it's Perun-agonizing metal (he is not around right now, is he?). No? Ok.... go!
Odd, my power came back on last night while I was asleep. Which is great. However the tower I get my internet from still has no power despite it being a half mile away. So hopefully that gets fixed next.