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The last seasons have been horrible, with the exception of a couple of decent episodes here and there. Sad, South Park used to be brilliant stuff.
The last seasons have been horrible, with the exception of a couple of decent episodes here and there. Sad, South Park used to be brilliant stuff.

I don't know if South Park has kept the same writers or what but it's the same with The Simpsons - it's hard to come up with stuff revolving around the same characters when you've been going for 20 years or whatever. Some of the new ideas in The Simpsons are just too wacky and goofy to be fun.
South Park has the same core writers as they did at the start but the show is produced in a very special way, different from other shows. Production of an episode starts 7 days before it's on TV so they can keep extremely up to date with current events but they seemed to have abandoned this in recent seasons making the show more self contained with stories like "The Coon" and having less to do with whats happening in the real world.

I can recommend a great documentary about this if you are interest how South Park works https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6_Days_to_Air

They also did an episode a few years ago called "You're Getting Old" in which Stan has an existential crisis and becomes very cynical about the world he is living in. It was widely seen at the time as Matt Stone & Trey Parker saying they had gotten bored of South Park and wanted to move on to other things, this might explain why the quality of the show has decreased.
Cool that's interesting. Must be a very stressful way to work though. Knowing that you need to provide a quality product but you're making it up as you go - sometimes you hit gold and sometimes not :D
10.000 BC - Neanderthalers communicate via drawings of beasts on cave walls
5.000 BC - Egypts communicate via hieroglyps
3.500 BC - Greeks communicate using Linear A (or B ) cuneiform characters
2.000 BC - Greeks invent communication with precursor of alphabet
500 BC - Romans communicate with the character set we know today
1200 - Chinese invent communicating by printing
1400 - Europeans repeat that
1900 - Mass communication with printing made possible by invention of the the Linotype
1980 - People start communicating world-wide using digital technology
2012 - People communicate via drawings of beasts on facebook walls
Light bulb on my desk lamp exploded when I tried to turn on the light. Sparks everywhere. Apart from a scratch on my phone there's no real damage, but my room has no power now <_<
@national acrobat did you already post in the nineties on this newsgroup? There's a user called NtlAcrobat responding in topic "YANIK FUCKIN DICKHEAD GERS" on February 22nd 1999:

Amen Morgo. Actually, what the hell does it matter what any of us think about
Jankick anyway, the guys in the band like him and as long as they do, everyone
can forget about him leaving the band.

edit: Nevermind! I also saw this comment by the same user:
I also remember Maiden with Dennis Stratton and saw Maiden 3 times pre 1985 and
once post 1988
. I like it all. I have listened to all eras and love any
incarnation of the band.