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It was Windowpane by Opeth. A backstory from 2013:

Opeth - Windowpane

I met up with my grandmother today. My grandmother raised me as a child so my connection with her is no different than what I have with my parents. She's 74. I'm scared shitless of losing her. To this day I play with her like I'm still 5 years old. I tend to get incredibly emotional when it comes to my family, the album that this song was on was dedicated to a grandmother who passed away and the lyrics are about the despair of a child. It touches me like no other song can. This summer I stayed at my grandmother's house for a month. One night at 4 am I was listening to this song in dark before going to sleep. I hadn't said "good night" to my grandmother that day. The song touched me so heavily that I started to tear up, went to my grandmother's room, woke her up, kissed her goodnight. May she live for lots and lots of more years.

My grandmother is currently staying with us as a guest and that tearing up thing happened in a late August. That's probably the reason why.
Good, everything is good, including the sandwiches. I can say little because I've signed my life away to the record company.