Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Yesterday my landlord said some repair work had to be carried out in the flat. Today I got home from work to find a construction site. Seriously, I can't even sit down!
Yesterday my landlord said some repair work had to be carried out in the flat. Today I got home from work to find a construction site. Seriously, I can't even sit down!
"some repair work" = "complete reconstruction". I see you've already forgotten your Communist-era doublespeak.
This is all very exciting for Foro and Brigs. They have flown with Bruce. They are closer to Maiden than many of us will ever know. They are insiders now.

I expect lots sticking-up-of-the-nose and haughty laughter upon their return.
"Yeah, Adrian recorded this solo while levitating above the Big Ben..."

"And 'Arry kept yelling at him to get down from there, but Adrian just told him that's where he needed to be to get the sound he wanted. Like, think back to the Somewhere in Time record where Adrian made us go to fucking Netherlands to lay down some guitars...this is just that all over again but now he's incorporated his love of clocks and gravity manipulation. It's classic Adrian."
I was thinking about it and it's gonna be a torture for them too, because they'll hear the album tonight once and won't be able to relisten for 9 more days :p
Thats true. Im looking forward to their reaction. Maybe they cant say too much..but a "fucking great album" from foro and brigs would mean more to me than any review ive read so far :lol:
If people have instagram search for #Flight666 many people uploading photos from the flight. They all got an Eddie BOS paper mask on the flight....saw a picture of a whole row of passengers wearing it :D