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Kings of Leon?
Fuck the Kings of Leon.

Kilmartin Glen is one of the most important Neolithic/Bronze Age archaeological sites in Scotland (probably in the UK): it has the most extensive group of prehistoric rock art in Scotland and is the largest cup-and-ring marked site in Europe. It has something ridiculous like 800+ sites within a ~10km stretch of Kilmartin Glen & surrounding area. And it's right on my doorstep. As well as Neolithic sites it's also the location of probably one of the most important monuments in Scotland: Dunadd Fort. It's literally just a small grass-clad rocky hill, but is an important site in both Scottish & Irish history. Columba walked its grassy slopes over a millennium ago. The Kings of the ancient kingdom of Dal Riata were probably inaugurated here. A rock slab on the summit has a carving of a boar, an Ogham inscription, a hollowed-out basin, and a footprint; the footprint of Kings. It's steeped with the memory of Scotland in the dim dim past; you just need a little imagination...
Kilmartin Glen is one of the most important Neolithic/Bronze Age archaeological sites in Scotland (probably in the UK): it has the most extensive group of prehistoric rock art in Scotland and is the largest cup-and-ring marked site in Europe. It has something ridiculous like 800+ sites within a ~10km stretch of Kilmartin Glen & surrounding area. And it's right on my doorstep. As well as Neolithic sites it's also the location of probably one of the most important monuments in Scotland: Dunadd Fort. It's literally just a small grass-clad rocky hill, but is an important site in both Scottish & Irish history. Columba walked its grassy slopes over a millennium ago. The Kings of the ancient kingdom of Dal Riata were probably inaugurated here. A rock slab on the summit has a carving of a boar, an Ogham inscription, a hollowed-out basin, and a footprint; the footprint of Kings. It's steeped with the memory of Scotland in the dim dim past; you just need a little imagination...
Something quite funny happened when we were visiting Kilmartin Glen. There is a site called Temple Wood with a stone circle; like five millennia old, or something. An American couple and there kid are looking at it with us. We're the only people there. The Dad is just kneeling looking at it in quiet meditation; his wife/partner standing beside him. The wee guy runs into the circle & stumbles over some of the loose ground stones --& knocks over one of the small standing stones that formed a cist, to cries of "Theodore Darwin! Time out!" from his father... :facepalm: