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Well, after all the previous talk of leaks it seems fitting.

Right now I'm watching the Top Gear episode where the team drives through the Middle East from northeast Iraq towards Betlehem. It's strange to think that only five years ago, they were driving through Syria having a laugh. A few months later the country became a war zone ...
There's some sort of cabaret thing in the town centre now. I think Dominic Halpin and the Honey Bs are performing Ring of Fire. They're quite good, actually.
Dr Eddie, good job on the plumbing!

I spent the day replacing A-Arm bushings in my daughters car. No biggy I thought-- oops. They have to be pressed in. So I rented a press. Ooops, one of the struts was completely shot. So I replaced a strut. Started at 8:30, done at 4:30, one busted jack and about $300 in parts and tools.

Now I need a beer.