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We had a pretty wild day yesterday! My dad was smoking by the garage window and just flicked a few of his ashes out of it and they landed on some stuff right outside of it and started a fire! My mom smelled it and thought it was other people burning stuff and closed the window. Some people banged on out door and my dad answered and they informed him that there was a raging fire on the side or our garage! I was sleeping and freaked out when I heard my mom yell that our house was on fire! Luckily the fire department got here before it could spread any further. That could have happened in the middle of the night and the fire could have hit the huge oil tank for our heat and that would have been horrible!
Ya, I'll say! There were some illegal fireworks in the area too and my dad spotted them while the firemen were putting the blaze out and moved them far out of the way. If those had gone off, some people could have gotten seriously hurt. God was really looking out for us.