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I'm actually almost underweight at 20 BMI. I'm trying to gain weight to go along with working out.

My BMI is 16,5. Gaining weight is the most difficult obstacle I've had to overcome in my life. I'll try to dedicate this summer to getting a little meat on the bones. If I fail, well, exercise is always good.
My BMI is 16,5. Gaining weight is the most difficult obstacle I've had to overcome in my life. I'll try to dedicate this summer to getting a little meat on the bones. If I fail, well, exercise is always good.

My BMI used to be around 17-18 back in 2013. That summer, I went all in with the eating and working out and gained 10 kgs as a result. Never lost that weight since. I'm looking to gain 10 kgs more this summer and reach 24 BMI.
It's going to be so exciting watching The Twins and Royals battle it out! It's about damn time we had a pro sports team with a good season here in Minnesota.
New topic: this week's "Game of Thrones" episode is about as good as television gets. At first I was bummed the show runners were completely abandoning the plot points in the book, but now I like it. It is fresh and unexpected, and the amazing Hardhome scene wasn't even in the books.
So, on my way down to the hotel restaurant for another lacklustre dinner, I meet the Scottish guy who is lead engineer for control & instrumentation on the project, and decide to join him for dinner somewhere else. It turns out to be the best meal I've had since arriving in China.
Should not come as a surprise, seeing as this project is for a British company - based in Aberdeen ... plenty of Scots involved. Also Aussies, for some reason. And this particular Scottish guy actually lives in Australia.
I think I've finally reached the end with my job. This week has been nothing short of insane with constant, conflicting orders and escalating demands. It wouldn't be possible to fit in all the work even with 12 hour days and working weekends unpaid. Getting hassled on top of that for not producing exactly what's wanted fast enough is just going too far. My health is really suffering.
I think I've finally reached the end with my job. This week has been nothing short of insane with constant, conflicting orders and escalating demands. It wouldn't be possible to fit in all the work even with 12 hour days and working weekends unpaid. Getting hassled on top of that for not producing exactly what's wanted fast enough is just going too far. My health is really suffering.
I have a lot of sympathy with you Brigs having experienced similar problems over the years, but in particular over the last couple of years (as I may have alluded to on here). Ridiculous expectations, constant criticism & undeliverable workloads; all-in-all Cried was not a happy bunny. But enough is enough; I made the decision to move on a few weeks back --& frankly can't wait to leave my current position.