Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I love working with special schools. The kids follow instructions, the teachers are laid back, you're always done after 45 minutes and thanks to the autists, everything is tidy in the end.
Sounds super awesome for sure!

We had a class on Swedish government system today and the only thing in my mind was

See the Caroleans standing tall
All for one and one for all
Enemies fall at their feet
Begging for their mercy
See the Caroleans standing tall
Conquer lands and slaughter all
Enemies fall at their feet
Victory and great defeat

I just had an idea. If I Googled "Google" would it send the internet into an infinite loop?

Probably not more than this works.

I've Googled 'Google' many times. That's because Google is my default search engine at home but not at work. So I bring up my browser on my PC after working on my work laptop and type 'Google', which Google duly searches for. Whether the internet is in infinite loop, I'll leave you to decide.
I've Googled 'Google' many times. That's because Google is my default search engine at home but not at work. So I bring up my browser on my PC after working on my work laptop and type 'Google', which Google duly searches for. Whether the internet is in infinite loop, I'll leave you to decide.