1: I prefer Slayer over Metallica, way more consistent in terms of albums and also tighter live.God, that list is bad.
1: Metallica should not be below Slayer. In fact, dare I say it, Metallica should be #1 or #2.
2: Pantera is way too high.
3: No Queensryche, DT or Venom? Seriously? I also think Nightwish needed a mention considering their popularity.
4: Cannibal Corpse. No.
5: Meshuggah is also a no, but not as much as CC.
2: Yep.
3: With all due respect to Operation: Mindcrime, Queensrÿche has sucked for over two thirds of their career

4: Like them or not, they are still the most popular death metal band.
5: Meshuggah is cool and also very influential.
My points:
Lamb Of God shouldn't be in the list, and Sepultura is way too high. I mean, I get their inclusion... but I don't like them.