Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Something wasn't being sold that I was looking for, so I got 7: HD, Painkiller, MP, BNW, Secret Treaties, Peace Sells and Stranglers Greatest Hits. Couldn't find the others, but I saw some Iron Maiden singles which was pretty good.
Secret Treaties needs better production.
Even without it, an essential early metal album.
I've heard 'em. I like a natural, "raw" sound to an album, but Tyranny went a bit too far for my tastes. However, the songwriting and performances far outweigh any production faults on that album. While I'm at it, I love everything about the BOC debut. Production and all.
I like the Fall season. Cool enough for no AC, but not so cold as to need the furnace (mostly). I went cutting firewood yesterday, gonna split some today.

But I'm being lazy with a cup of coffee and a book before I do anything :)
My mum made me laugh when I was listening to OOTSP on the way back. She said "No wonder they're leaving, they're too bloody loud!"
I always thought the production was fine; does Secret Treaties come under fire sometimes for the production?
I haven't heard that as a widespread thing.
I find it too dry and not heavy enough.

EDIT: further to this, I like the live versions of most of them better.

Compare it to Martin Birch's Fire of Unknown Origin and there is no comparison.
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Oh yeah, out of the BOC albums, FoUO has the best production by far in my view. Treaties, Agents and Rex's aren't bad at all, although they do have a sort of "70's" sound to them.
Some of you have already learnt about this (e.g. via facebook), but I still wanted to share it with all of you out here:

Two years after this:
Dear Maidenfriends,

I have some very sad and shocking news.

This afternoon my wife didn't feel the baby moving. We went to the hospital. First the heartbeat could not be heard, and after that the echo gave us the shocking news:
Our little baby does not live anymore. (As I have told earlier: One day before the birth was expected....)

Obviously we were first in disbelief and shock and now slowly the sadness begins to build up.

The following might sound ridiculous but it is well possible that I will keep visiting this forum. It can help to distract my attention a bit, and after all, Maiden/music (related topics) might not be a bad healer. I am blessed to have met some of you in person and even if I haven't met the others in real life, I still feel that I have a big enough bond with you to share this grief.

Best regards, Forostar
At this point the cause is not clear, and we were told that it is even possible that it will not be known.
The baby still has to be delivered, probably this Tuesday.
you can imagine that the following is quite something to us:
My wife and I have welcomed another child: Born last Tuesday. His name is Alex. :)
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