Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

As many holidays in the US, it has taken on two styles of celebration-- for young children and their parents, going door to door for candy (which can be fun or dreadful). For everyone else of 'partying age' it usually involves drinking at a party or bar dressed up-- and most girls dressed as a slutty something: janitor, bus driver, pumpkin, witch, mechanic.... you name it.
I was out for a couple of beers with my football team yesterday. When we got on the metro on our way home, we met a party of students who were dressed up as witches, ghosts and all kinds of creepy things - they obviously had started their Halloween celebration one day early.
I don't buy into the binging and partying. Personally, Halloween is the entire month of October and signifies the changing of the seasons. It's a time to indulge in all things creepy, from horror movies to scary novels and TV shows, and a time to consume pumpkins. I love autumn and October is my favorite month. To me, Halloween is about embracing the darkness (and the inherent silliness) in all things spooky, weird, monster-related, and pumpkin-flavored.

If kids wanna go for candy, that's fine, but the slutty costume and chugging beer stuff is stupid. Sipping a delicious pumpkin beer and wearing comfortable sweaters, however, that's wonderful.
As many holidays in the US, it has taken on two styles of celebration-- for young children and their parents, going door to door for candy (which can be fun or dreadful). For everyone else of 'partying age' it usually involves drinking at a party or bar dressed up-- and most girls dressed as a slutty something: janitor, bus driver, pumpkin, witch, mechanic.... you name it.

Slutty Ebola nurse... I always thought that slutty Islamist would be interesting.
You know, it's about that time when we should start getting drunken/slutty/embarrassing Halloween party pics on this board. Time to "watch" the Drunk Posting thread?
You're overestimating this board. The only Halloween parties around here were kids' parties, and they ended several hours ago. I didn't even get to offer any of them a plate of sweets with a snake on top.