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I like my car and all ... but


Edward Smith, a 63-year-old man from Yelm, Thurston County, Washington, told a live morning TV show that he had made love to over 700 vehicles, including Mustangs, luxury Jaguars and even an attack helicopter.

Smith made the admission on the British family television show This Morning, telling hosts Phillip Schofield and Amanda Holden that he was a mechaphile—someone who is sexually attracted to machines—and prefers making love to motors than women. Smith said he had sex with vehicles since first being attracted to his neighbor’s Volkswagon Beetle when he was fourteen, when he was tempted to give the vehicle a “gentle caress.”:

“It has to do with the body itself. I’ve not been attached to any sort of penetration, but petting and hugging and feeling the body. I like feeling the satisfaction—masturbation—that’s done with the car, next to it.

“When I hold them in my arms, I feel an energy that comes from them. There’s a very deep love.”

Smith admitted he had difficulties in forming relationships with women and had only ever had one girlfriend “by some chance” in San Francisco in the early 1970s. However, he found the relationship unsatisfying.

Edward now has a long term sex partner that’s still… er… driving him wild, “Vanilla”—another VW Beetle that he bought in 1982.

“I first met her before I got her and then had the local Jehovah’s Witness driving around in one. There was something about that white ‘74 Beetle, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her,” he said.

“On my own private property is where we get mostly intimate. I’m very respectful not to be seen in public. I greet her every morning along with my truck
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I like my car and all ... but


Edward Smith, a 63-year-old man from Yelm, Thurston County, Washington, told a live morning TV show that he had made love to over 700 vehicles, including Mustangs, luxury Jaguars and even an attack helicopter.

Smith made the admission on the British family television show This Morning, telling hosts Phillip Schofield and Amanda Holden that he was a mechaphile—someone who is sexually attracted to machines—and prefers making love to motors than women. Smith said he had sex with vehicles since first being attracted to his neighbor’s Volkswagon Beetle when he was fourteen, when he was tempted to give the vehicle a “gentle caress.”:

“It has to do with the body itself. I’ve not been attached to any sort of penetration, but petting and hugging and feeling the body. I like feeling the satisfaction—masturbation—that’s done with the car, next to it.

“When I hold them in my arms, I feel an energy that comes from them. There’s a very deep love.”

Smith admitted he had difficulties in forming relationships with women and had only ever had one girlfriend “by some chance” in San Francisco in the early 1970s. However, he found the relationship unsatisfying.

Edward now has a long term sex partner that’s still… er… driving him wild, “Vanilla”—another VW Beetle that he bought in 1982.

“I first met her before I got her and then had the local Jehovah’s Witness driving around in one. There was something about that white ‘74 Beetle, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her,” he said.

“On my own private property is where we get mostly intimate. I’m very respectful not to be seen in public. I greet her every morning along with my truck

I've been to Yelm. Not really surprised.
Some handicapped woman rammed her wheelchair (motorized one) into me in the mall. I was standing in one spot for a couple of minutes, so it's not like I got into her path all of a sudden, plus it was a wide open space, so I didn't block her path either. She didn't even apologize. Then after I moved she did the same thing to 4 other people on the way out of the mall o_O

EDIT: I didn't make it clear enough, she hit me from behind, didn't see her.
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NP's story made me laugh out loud. Gotta respect it on some level. She's in a wheelchair, so she kind of doesn't give a fuck.

Speaking of which, should have posted on this earlier as it's old news, but a splash of Olde English 800 on the sidewalk for the late great Eric the Actor. RIP.

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I love it LOUD!
Good folks of Maidenfans, what do ya think? Is this cheesy, or is it just silly?

The last line of the chorus certainly tips me in the "silly" direction.
I think the word you're looking for is "stupid." By the way, that last line of the chorus is pretty much the same as in the original version -- which is significantly better than this metal version -- only he can't hit the high note like the singer in the original could.

In contrast, I kind of like the cover of "Neverending Story." That's not stupid, it's just cheesy.
By the way, that last line of the chorus is pretty much the same as in the original version -- which is significantly better than this metal version -- only he can't hit the high note like the singer in the original could.

Which is why I think it sounds silly. If you can't do it, don't do a half-arsed attempt like this.
I like metal covers that really put a new twist on the original. Sadly, this just doesn't differ sufficiently from the original for me, it just sounds like slightly metalized pop, and doesn't actually work as well as the orginal. There are worse examples...Children of Bodom's Britney Spears cover comes to mind. It's got me thinking, though, I do wonder if any other A-ha songs would work as a metal cover. **goes off to look**