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Showing pieces of Islamic art, and telling how the Arabs influenced our culture.
Apparently it's quite difficult to get Spaniards to accept that the Arabs had a massive influence on the culture of the Iberian peninsula.
News on the job front, it looks like I am in, everyone gave me the thumbs up .. but this is with a large company so it might take 2 weeks for all the paperwork to go through, then I'll give my notice, so I am guessing I will not be starting until early May. I am 95%-ish sure this will happen, I wish it were sooner.

Think I will be using up my sick days though :) Those do not get paid out.
Recently, my husband made the best investment he has ever made and purchased a good quality telescope. He just got it in the mail today and luckily, it turned out to be a clear night so we could test it out. It's not the best picture in the world (since it was taken with my ipod) but here is a picture of the moon through the telescope. If you look closely, you can see some of the craters. There is another lens that has an ever more close up of the moon but I wasn't able to get a picture with that one. We can even see Jupiter and its rings. It's small but you can tell they're there.


This is so awesome! I love this thing! :D
That's beautiful! Try to see Saturn's rings, if you have a good enough lens. I don't think I've ever seen a heavenly body so beautiful as Saturn and her rings.
I was very excited to see the moon so up close and to get a fairly decent picture of it! I can't wait to see it when it's full. My husband said that we might be able to see Saturn sometime later but he's not sure when. I'm hoping it's not too late and I'm not already in bed and the clouds don't ruin everything...
Well, Saturn's not going anywhere. The moon is beautiful when it is full. You can see so much detail...
I was very excited to see the moon so up close and to get a fairly decent picture of it! I can't wait to see it when it's full. My husband said that we might be able to see Saturn sometime later but he's not sure when. I'm hoping it's not too late and I'm not already in bed and the clouds don't ruin everything...

We get inundated with cool imagery now, but can you imagine the early telescopes and the first time people got to see what you're seeing?
What a thrill that must have been.
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It was an amazing feeling getting to see what I saw tonight and I can't wait to see so much more! I love it! I've always been interested in space and astronomy type things ever since I was little so, this is pretty big for me. :)
No, I meant, can you give them new names, as Galileo did all those years ago?


Ever see any of the Cassini images?
Now why the hell would I want to go around giving them new names? That's just all wrong. :p

I've seen them. They're pretty widely known, aren't they?
That pic of the moon is beautiful MC!

Just a thought I had. Actually, a wish I've had for some time now, but it just came to mind. I wish there was a magical device that you could run any song through and it would turn the vocals into Bruce's voice. I don't think it would work to well for death metal though. LOL