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Perhaps ... it is a great series and especially so when everyone from my kids when they were little to my 94 year old Grandmother (and everyone in between) can enjoy it.
Better than any of the other recent ones I can think of. Pirates being the biggest one to come to mind.
Not really a trilogy (but neither is Pirates) ... but Harry Potter .. I am not really a fan, but they have a lot of fans
I hooked myself up with Amazon Prime, and I've been burning my eyes with Stargate, both SG-1 and Atlantis. What a bunch of great sci-fi series those were!
I hooked myself up with Amazon Prime, and I've been burning my eyes with Stargate, both SG-1 and Atlantis. What a bunch of great sci-fi series those were!

I really like Amazon Prime ... even better now that they are starting their own series. I watched the pilots for Bosch and The After so far, both looked promising. What is real cool is we live in an area where they do Sunday delivery, I had a record delivered to my door at noon last Sunday.
The Nolan Batman films.

Those are pretty close. I'm mainly happy you did not say Twilight :) Thinking of Pirates again, the first film was just spectacular, too bad they could not keep that up. It is interesting though that the movie was based on a ride and now the ride has been tweaked a bit to incorporate the movie. You do not however see Eddie Murphy in the Haunted Mansion .. God that movie was bad
I can't think of any that are close. I don't like the Marvel Cinematic Universe as much. Toy Story has three nearly-perfect movies.
I can't think of any that are close. I don't like the Marvel Cinematic Universe as much. Toy Story has three nearly-perfect movies.

All time-wise, I think the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogies are better ... Back to the Future is pretty close too, if you consider Star Trek 2,3,4 a trilogy .. they are in the same ball park. I am sure I am missing an obvious one
Well, I was thinking in the last 15 or so years, but yes. Indiana Jones is fantastic, so is the original Star Wars, which I am not sure can be beaten. LotR is quite damn good too.

I can guarantee that Cars will not be surpassing it.
Cars is a great marketing gimmick, but the movies are easily Pixar's worst, especially Cars 2. They just announced Cars 3... but also Incredibles 2.
I didn't think the first Cars was too bad, the second was awful though.

Incredibles 2 is a long time coming.