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It's been sunny here for a few days now, it certainly feels like spring. Temperatures are up and all the flowers are blooming.
In just two weeks, I'll be taking an exam that likely will be a huge factor in my entire life. The university entrance exam. Either you nail it, or one year of your life goes to waste. Everyone around me is very stressed out, I'm more laid back for some reason.
Good luck, Saap! What high school have you chosen?

I hope to get into the same school I'm currently in. There's a thing here that lets students attend 4 schools (all among the nation's top, based on exam results, one of which is my school) with the same exam. You list your top 3 preferences from 1 to 3 and if you do good, you're invited to an "interview" with the school heads, are asked questions etc. My first preference was my own school, the second one 200m away from mine (focuses mainly on math and physics) and the other two I don't really care about. There will be 5 subjects in the entrance exam: Estonian, math, English, physics and a general knowledge one. My school multiplies each subject's test result with the following coefficients: Estonian 0,7; English 1,0 (English-biased school); math 0,7; general knowledge 0,4 and physics 0,2. I'm pretty positive about getting the results I want. The worst part, I think, is the interview.
Good luck to you two! And a good morning to all!

I've got a busy week of practicing music for a St. Patrick's Day gig as well as a string of shows in April/May with my new band.

They come in many different forms and shapes
They are the animals that live on this earth
So let me tell you about them

Let me start with the bunnies
The bunnies eat carrots
And horses they neigh and their shoes give luck to whoever has one
Then there's the spiders, they have eight legs, bleh

They are the creatures of the earth
Coming in all shapes and forms
They are the creatures of this earth

Ah, the fish, they blub and live in the water
Maybe not a puddle, but maybe in a lake or an ocean
And there's the dinosaurs but they are dead now, so who cares?
And the bees are annoying pests that shouldn't exist

They are the creatures of the earth
Coming in all shapes and forms
They are the creatures of the earth

Now, let me drabble on the subject of humans
They make weapons, you know, those who goes "Bang bang!" or "Boom boom"
But they are also wonderful creatures they make good food of the animals
But you know everything about humans already so why should I bother?

They are the creatures of the earth
Coming in all shapes and forms
They are the creatures of the earth

Yeah, there's the dolphins, the intelligent creatures that like to jump
There's also dogs and cats, but there is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said
Really now, who even likes flies, they are everywhere in the summer, and they are annoying like the bees

They are the creatures of the earth
Coming in all shapes and forms
They are the creatures of the earth

Watch out, there comes a lion, they are overgrown but dangerous cats
Look, there's a turtle, the poor thing wants to go to the sea
And the birds, oh my god, the birds
...I have no comments about this one

Snakes are things that hiss and cannot blink
And rats were created to be chased by the cats
Same thing about the mice

They are the creatures of the earth
Coming in all shapes and forms
They are the creatures of this earth

And that's all I have for now, so I will take my leave
See you later, alligator!

Tell me your thoughts on my lyrics for this one! Please try to be positive.


I want!