Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I know I've missed some gems on the last 10ish pages...

New job is great but I've been running in circles! I worked 12 hour shifts on Monday and Tuesday.... phew.
Do you ever think that the world is full of the same people? I swear that I keep running into the same personalities in different bodies/names. I think I live in a reality tv show that doesn't have enough actors...
Long time, no see! Glad to hear things are going well at your new job, Wasted. :)
Yeah, I just haven't had time to be on line much! So, Monday, I wanna drive to my old work town (about an hour away) to see some friends and have lunch with my fav female friend... just as I get into town, work calls and asks if I can work a 12, so heck yeah, I'll work OT. That day, 8 hrs sleep, 12 hrs work, 2 hours driving... So, Tuesday, I try it all over again, asking that they call me first thing if they need me... again, 10am, getting into town they call... back to work. But not bad, all in all. Finally got to town on Wed to see some friends.

When I get home at night, its about 11:30, and I'm beat, so I usually read for a few minutes then crash.

"The Wasted Show" has a very different ring to it...
Yeah... a little funky?
That sounds rough but at least you're enjoying it and that's what matters. :) I'm still stuck at my job and I think my changed schedule has finally caught up with me. Having a day off at a time instead of 2 days in a row is like I use to have is really running me down. Plus, things at work have just been extra irritating lately and I've been pretty stressed. I hope I find something new more sooner than later.
OH, yeah, that is rough!! I remember working like that... sometimes I liked it, having two different days off... but it really is hard to rest up! Good luck on the job hunt! My best friend has been looking longer than I had been and finally started a new job this week!
WOW Wasted! I'm worn out just from reading about all the hours you have to work! I'm glad things are going well for you though and hope you're enjoying your job.
Thanks! It was only like that the first two days this week, which was cool. I've been training, so on sitting on shift with a trainer. The first three hours of Monday and Tuesday, I was alone, which was cool. I start shift by myself on Monday--- then I'll be on days (7-4) for two weeks, then nights (2-11) for two weeks, then 5 days off, then weekends for 2 weeks (thurs-sun, with sat/sun 11-11), then back to days for 4 weeks. Swing, baby!!

But, I'm learning a lot and its less stress and little 'client' interaction. I stopped by my old job yesterday and they said it's pretty rough around there... they are not spending any money or time on problems until they kick off the big 'upgrade' in June, so all the workers there are pissy at IT.... don't miss that!
This is my coffee:


And this is my coffee post.
Nice! I'd like an Ed Force One too. The first plane I ever flew on was one of the Air 2000 757 fleet that Astraeus later bought.