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Pain, there is pain, there is so much paaiin
I'll never fall for you again

Fantastic Estonian humour making fun of boy-bands.
Considering that I am pondering moving, I am currently assessing my room's power needs for relocation.

In my bedroom I currently use the following:
4x monitors
1x tv
1x fan
1x 5.1 surround system
1x desktop computer
1x modem
1x router
1x Nintendo DS charger
2x Micro USB chargers for phone & tablet

However, if I move, I'll likely bring along my spare monitor that I'm not using, so...future needs would be:
5x monitors
1x tv
1x fan
1x 5.1 surround system
1x desktop computer
1x Nintendo DS charger
1x Nintendo Gamecube
2x Micro USB chargers for phone & tablet

Which means I'd need 13 outlets.
From where I sit, I've got the laptop, three external drives, the HiFi, speakers, CD player, turntable, desk lamp and fan, and that's only what I see without moving my head.
In my room at present: Desktop, 2x monitors, speakers (well, amplifier unit but same purpose), guitar amp, 2x vivarium UV starters, 2x vivarium heat lamp, alarm clock. That's stuff that is plugged in constantly, there's various chargers plugged in also but as they're not in constant use they could rotate in a single socket. In certain circumstances I have used up to 2 guitar pedals at once (own 4 but never use them all) .. so I shall say my power needs go to around 12.

Currently have 6 outlets in my room, but due to extensions/multiplugs I have 21 available.
Someone just linked me to this:

Reminds me a lot of Satriani, he is apparently from 'Banja Luka' in Bosnia. Watching people's own compositions on youtube just makes me feel worse about my own abilities though, any time I'm starting to feel I'm not doing too bad I just watch youtube, and I suddenly feel very humble again :P
All this talk about electricity - what would be a good playlist of songs related to that subject?

Ride The Lightning is obvious, as is Sabbath's Electric Funeral. Obviously Lightning Strikes Twice is a candidate. Others?
All this talk about electricity - what would be a good playlist of songs related to that subject?

Ride The Lightning is obvious, as is Sabbath's Electric Funeral. Obviously Lightning Strikes Twice is a candidate. Others?

Some AC/DC, obviously. They don't have that many good songs, though.