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So this morning, I arrive at work only to realize I am wearing a t-shirt.
I completely forgot to put my dress shirt on overtop.
Not a huge sin because our office isn't that dressy, but I clearly need a vacation.
So this morning, I arrive at work only to realize I am wearing a t-shirt.
I completely forgot to put my dress shirt on overtop.
Not a huge sin because our office isn't that dressy, but I clearly need a vacation.

For me if I was to forget something along those lines, it would be I accidentally wore trainers instead of my proper shoes. I do remember once forgetting to put socks on also >.>
I almost forgot: happy birthday, Adrian Smith! :hbd::hbd:

I've used one of the tracks of my previous tracklist and made a concept album with it in it as a important song. This is a sequel to Paradise and takes place many years after.
So, I won't be showing the song lengths because I don't care.
Okay, here we go!

The Fate Star Epitome (Concept Album) (2014)

Side One
1: The Story Of The Seven Fate Stars
2: The Last Day Of Peace
3: Eternal Night
4: The Hero Arrives From Paradise
5: A New Partner
6: Instructions/The Journey Begins
Side Two
7: Travel Through A Watery Hell (Called An Ocean)
8: The Kraken
9: The Watery Hell Never Seems To End
10: The Hermaphrodite
11: The Rainbow Path
12: The Silver Star
Side Three
13: The City Of Norwhal
14: Once A Warrior, Once Had A Life
15: The First Fate Star
16: The Fate Of Silver Star
17: The Aftermath
Side Four
18: An Epitome Of Evil
19: The Big Search For The Six Fate Stars
20: The Fortress Of Ztarztruck
21: The Final Battle?
Side Five
22: A Ray Of Light
23: The Search Continues
24: Walk On Fire
25: Assualt/Her Last Breath
26: Sadness, Rage & Revenge
27: Why Am I Meant To Do This Alone?
Side Six
28: Preparing For Battle
29: Starship Showdown
30: The Fortress Of Ztarztruck...Revisited
31: The Final Showdown (And Now It's For Real)
32: The Paradox
33: Hero's Suicide