Dr. Eddies Wingman
Brighter than thousand_suns
Crap! Did it turn out expensive?In other news, I got pulled over by a cop on the way home from the vet... My own stupidity.I completely forgot to renew my car registration for this year.
Crap! Did it turn out expensive?In other news, I got pulled over by a cop on the way home from the vet... My own stupidity.I completely forgot to renew my car registration for this year.
Yeah... A lot more than I initially thought. Also, have to pay for my renewed registration. Ugh...Crap! Did it turn out expensive?
Seems like it... But shit happens and you move on. Just let it be a lesson not to be like me and forget to renew your registration and get pulled over by a cop.Oi. Taking the good with the bad, eh, Moon?
Czechs wiping the floor with the Slovaks,
Czechs wiping the floor with the Slovaks, 4-0. Slovakia is not a country that has a lot of young players coming out of it, and it is just getting older and older. I feel like in a few more years, they will be well down the rankings after some high showings in World Championships and Olympics.
Slovakia seem to be done as a top, top hockey nation. They still hold a higher level than Latvia, Austria, Norway and so on, but I'd say they are now closer to the weaker teams in the Olympics than to the stronger.
These results just shows that outside of the big six, no other nations are stabilizing on a high enough level to challenge regularly. I thought Switzerland were on the way to do so. I thought Austria and Slovenia to be at about the same level as Norway and I still do, despite Norway now going out without winning a single game.