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You might not like metal, you might not even like rock but saying Bruce's voice is not good is plain stupid. My father doesn't care for metal (apart from parts of a few songs) but even he admits that Bruce is very impressive.
There's 2 managers at work that profess to love metal, but can't stand Iron Maiden because of Bruce's voice. They aren't into death metal, either. From what I can tell, it means they love Ozzy.

Drives me insane.
Icy roads here today. I was trying to venture out for some errands and came back home. The road to my house is just off the main highway. There are two options to head north into my town and onward-- turn right out my drive onto the highway and drive 2 minutes, or turn left and drive 30 minutes around. There was a semi jack knifed just to the right of my road, completely blocking the main road. I went back home and turned on netflix.