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Speaking of hangovers - I've had worse. But I think that's because of the aspirins I took before going to bed this morning.
But today I felt the urge to have a Coke for the first time in years. Maybe that has to do with the fact I had vodka for the first time in years.
Yeah, I'm almost thirty and my health insurance is going to increase next year. That must mean I will get fragile.
Speaking of hangovers - I've had worse. But I think that's because of the aspirins I took before going to bed this morning.
But today I felt the urge to have a Coke for the first time in years. Maybe that has to do with the fact I had vodka for the first time in years.
I had a pretty bad following day the last time I drank vodka. Never again.
No, don't worry. I'm out tonight and tomorrow night. Which means I'll miss Dusty's date with Brigs. But well.
In other news, I got my hands on some interesting beers today. As a Christmas gift from work, we all got a 300 NOK (approx. 40€) gift card in Vinmonopolet, the government-owned liquor store chain. I spent mine on some different Christmas ales and a couple of IPAs, Going to enjoy one of those tonight.
@Moon Child care to tell us why yesterday was so good? The tension is killing me.
Sorry. I saw you had asked yesterday and I didn't have time to respond. I was on my break and because I was actually drunk then, I couldn't remember when I clocked out so I had to go back so I didn't get in trouble. :lol:

So yeah, I stated this yesterday but that will probably be the best day of work I'll never have again (at this current job anyway). I saw people drunk that I didn't expect to be drunk. It was basically just a huge party up in our offices. People dancing and just having a fun time. Our President of the store was the one who was handing out the shots so it was ok. I think in total I had... 5 shots? I had 4 shots of Jager through-out the day and a shot of something called Fireball? It tasted like those fireball candies. I wasn't expecting or planning to get drunk but I did. Yesterday was a huge blur. I actually did have to take very few calls in the state I was in but I kept my composure very well. By 6 when I had to go home, I was definitely sober enough to drive but I didn't feel so well the rest of the night after. Good times, good times.
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