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With your boots on?
That is self-evident.

So, I spent the last four hours of a grey Monday in a pretty dull place scanning a book, and reading texts about Taleban era Afghanistan on the side. Understandably, I believe, my mood has become rather melancholic. So I decided to cheer myself up a little by putting those texts aside and playing some music.

I did not consider that I re-stocked my phone with Irish ballads this morning. And as if that wasn't enough, the first thing to pop up on shuffle was Danny Boy. I think cheerfulness is a lost cause today.
And now there's a bagpipe rendition of Amazing Grace. I can't believe it.
And I was just reading that the government proposed to introduce mandatory military training in schools and universities.

That would be a reason for me to consider raising my children abroad.
No matter how ridiculously overplayed it is, I always get misty-eyed when I hear Stairway to Heaven. Led Zeppelin will always have a special place in my heart for being the first band I discovered completely on my own, and many of their songs are special memories to me.

BIG UPs the Zeppelin!
It's not going to be anything, I bet. These jerks are only looking for ways to convince people they are actually working and failing miserably at that. Even if they really do this, it will only be theorerical because no one will pay for field training, there is nowhere to train and there are no trainers. Things are always half-assed here anyway.
Our call center has become slow. So slow to the point that they had to cut the call center hours which in turn cuts our hours and shortens lunches and takes out part time workers and my schedule got completely flipped around. At least I still have a job but I've been jerked around like this for 7 years at the same place.