Moon Child
Ancient Mariner
Yeah, it really does...
I have a lot to think about.

Our call center has become slow. So slow to the point that they had to cut the call center hours which in turn cuts our hours and shortens lunches and takes out part time workers and my schedule got completely flipped around. At least I still have a job but I've been jerked around like this for 7 years at the same place.
I have nothing interesting going on at the moment....
Is this for a special reason or just for the hell of it?
Job hunting time!It's gone from 40 hours to 38 from what I was told.
It's safe to say that I'm pretty much done with the place. There have been so many times I've wanted to leave but decided to stay because I thought things were getting better. If this isn't a good enough reason to find a new job, I don't know what is. As for references, I can easily say I'm pretty well in with my supervisors and I do get along with them very well so that shouldn't be a problem.If there are any people higher than you in the food chain that have left, maybe try to get in touch with them ... if anything to get a reference, but who knows, maybe they have a spot for you or know one.