Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

There you go. I like to see someone be proactive. Or reactive. Or any active at all. Sure beats sitting there and waiting for the shit storm, right?? :)
Yeah, and you puny mortals will never know how satisfying it is to create a storm.
Alright, I'll just toss this over the Atlantic.


Don't toss the whole statue, people over here would demand a fig leaf
Jason Leach, founder of And Vinyly, has announced a new option for those who'd rather die than live without music: Have your ashes combined with 24 minutes of audiophile-quality vinyl. The process is simple: Ashes are delivered to a pressing plant and sprinkled into raw vinyl. That said, it's pretty expensive, costing $4,600 for 30 copies of a record. If you don't have any music in mind, Leach's team can create a score for you, though that'll cost you, too (about $760 per track).

Wonder what album I would want my ashes made into ... right now, I would go Seventh Son. But I guess I would need 2 records.
After jumping around music today, I'm finishing out my work day with The Wall.

I've had Poison, Journey, Maiden, Opeth, Prince, GnR, Def Leppard, NIN, Scar Symmetry and Dokken on the virtual turntable today.
I somehow managed to get a mosquito bite on my middle finger of all places. :blink: Random? Yes. Do I have anything better to say at this moment? No.
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