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I'm pretty sure that something will always inevitably be lost in translation with Storm. His style is unique in my opinion. I consider him the greatest author of prose and poetry Germany ever had.
I'm a sci-fi nut. My favorite work is Time Enough For Love, by Heinlein. I've always enjoyed his stories.

Otherwise, I'd say that I really enjoy The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
I'm pretty sure that something will always inevitably be lost in translation with Storm. His style is unique in my opinion. I consider him the greatest author of prose and poetry Germany ever had.
Certainly a title I will remember. I only read that bit on the site I linked to, and that was pretty compelling already.
Its been overcast and rainy for a few days. Part of me is glad its during the weekday, since I can't really do anything anyway. But, there is a small part of me that wants to be able to sleep in one morning when it is dark and rainy....

It's weird, it's the last day of July, but it feels like the middle of September. Its the kind of weather that makes me think an (American) Football game is going to be on Sunday afternoon.
That does sound nice!

I guess it says here 23C, and feels like 23C. A nice temp, just all cloudy and rainy.
I think he means that he is nice to the weather, so he gets pissy when the weather is not nice to him.
Its been overcast and rainy for a few days. Part of me is glad its during the weekday, since I can't really do anything anyway. But, there is a small part of me that wants to be able to sleep in one morning when it is dark and rainy....

It's weird, it's the last day of July, but it feels like the middle of September. Its the kind of weather that makes me think an (American) Football game is going to be on Sunday afternoon.

The first pre-season game is 10 days away.
Aren't you in charge of the weather, in some form or another? Do something!!!

Alright, I'll just toss this over the Atlantic.
