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It's not my favourite alcoholic beverage, but I do enjoy it. Unless it's Weizen.
@Per. Yes, man has gone insane.

But, if that really is the case, by whose definition is sanity defined? And, if man as a whole, is insane, then, since that would be the new norm, wouldn't man be sane?
@Per. Yes, man has gone insane.

But, if that really is the case, by whose definition is sanity defined? And, if man as a whole, is insane, then, since that would be the new norm, wouldn't man be sane?

I think Natalie has more insight on this, but I think that sanity is defined by the behaviour of animals.
I think Natalie has more insight on this, but I think that sanity is defined by the behaviour of animals.

Ah, fair enough. I think I was recalling something out of Niven's Ringworld book, some definition of sanity being based on the average response to things. Its been a while since I've read it.
If I hadn't spent all my money on my bike, I'd take it for a 3-4 day trip and leave my phone at home. How awesome would that be??
Very cool, that was one of my favorite part about my recent European trip, my phone did not work. I have a wifi app I can use to make calls over google voice, I used that once a day to call home .. but outside of that, I was completely out of touch .. which is nice.
Since my kids are not always living with me, its really handy to keep in contact with them. also, mine is a work phone, so I can get me work emails at all the locations we service.

If I were selling bikes still, I wouldnt' need it as much.

I think Cornfed said once, it allows him to go golfing during the day and still do his job (thats from memory, so I could have details wrong).
I remember that too.
With my job, work would intrude into personal life too often.

Plus I'm kind of an anti-social bastard. ;-p
Eh, it's more of the same :)

I rode my bike to work today!! Did I say that already? meh.

It was nice, a good day to ride. Also, I think I slept at least 6 hours last night!