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Wow, you read my mind! I was definitely hungry for some of Hitler's chicken.

That looks strangely similar to KFC Colonel Sanders... o_O I realize that may be the point. :lol:

I must have some how missed the Python talk when I said that. :blink: I was referring to the food discussion before that but you tied the two together so now it makes sense. Thanks! :D

There was a news story about this, KFC is not happy and trying to shut it down
I had to double check what I had here at work :)

Accident of Birth
Alive in Studio A
Balls To Picasso
The Chemical Wedding
Tattooed Millionaire
Tyranny of Souls

I guess I'm missing Skunkworks. :-/

Man, you need Skunkworks, I love that album ( I like the two after it better, but it is still an excellent record)
Yes, Skunkworks is truly fantastic in a totally different way than the more "metal" of Bruce's albums, but it is really, really good.
I always wondered what Bruce had in mind when he left Maiden. Based on some of his interviews on that last tour, it sounded like he was planning on doing some kind of Industrial album (I was picturing Ministry/Nine Inch Nail, Tool kind of stuff) and he said he had a lot of stuff recorded (or at least demos maybe). It would be interesting to hear those ... or maybe I was interpreting what he said incorrectly.
I always liked Millionaire. I thought it was kinda poppy, but I enjoyed it. I'll have to get my hands on Skunkworks! I may run up to the record store near work and see if they have it.

@Bearfan, I'd like to hear those demos!
If you liked Tattooed Millionaire you should like Skunkworks. Different in terms of what they actually are, but there are a few similar strands. I dunno, when I feel like Skunkworks, I *really* feel like Skunkworks.
Pretty much. This happened at the middle of town, and I think the explosion was smaller in radius, but still epically deadly.
I've been doing some research for my job today into these Tier II requirements to report the storage of potentially hazardous chemicals. Apparently, there are hundreds of thousands of facilities in the US that are licensed to store explosive chemicals but there is not a single comprehensive database that can list all facilities and all the chemicals they store. There is a public inventory but it's not complete and there is no guarantee that the data included there is correct or up-to-date. Is that a lack of law enforcement or is it just negligence?
The problem is that this information is not audited at all. I read some stats today revealing that some states have published information that was proved wrong later.
Well, each state has rules for how they should audit the information ... whether they do it properly is another story