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I'm sure I've seen that somewhere before... <_<

Personally, I don't think it kicks ass... not at all. I am obviously biased because I'm not a fan of harsh vocals anyway, the fact she wrote a song is great.. but the vocal part is certainly not something I think is good. Not sure why it's so amazing either, a six year old singing something complex would be impressive to me but - personal opinion - the screaming type of thing is somewhat less difficult and what a lot of kids do anyway :P

I think it's better that a child grow up trying to sing than under the impression that screaming is a positive thing - as I'm sure it will cross over in more than just a musical way. Lastly, I wouldn't be surprised if she develops throat problems very young ^^.

Maybe I'm just cynical.. *shrug*
Sorry everyone is having a bad day/week -- mine isn't so hot either.

On an unrelated note: has anyone seen World War Z, and if so (a) did you see it in 3D and (b) would you recommend it?

My nephew (17yrs old) said it was great. He didn't see it in 3D, but said it "would be sketchy in 3D". I don't know exactly what that means, but I'm thinking of seeing it in 2D. My son now is working at a theater, so I should get in for free :)
By saying it 'kicked ass' doesn't mean that I thought the actual singing itself was great, so I agree with you there. I just thought it was cool that a 6 year old girl did that and it was rather cute. It's something you wouldn't normally see come out of a little girl.
This is clearly her fathers attempt to take something she already does a lot and turn it into a constructive thing!! The fact she is making efforts to writing at that age, however she may be doing it, is pretty awesome though.
This is so wrong.
1. This girl is going to fuck up her voice in a few years and it's nowhere near developed yet. The first thing singers should learn is to protect their instrument.
2. She wrote her song herself. Great! Why perform on that show though? It's going to give her all the wrong impression that she can roar and induce reaction from the audience. That's cool now but in five years nobody would find it cute.
3. May I just remind you what a certain gentleman I deeply respect said about these shows?

There's a kid at my school who auditioned for one of the shows, might've been X-Factor. It's interesting because he is a good singer/songwriter, and there's no question about his dedication to music, yet at the same time he wants to be famous and all of that more than anything. Once he told me that he refuses to sing in a band because if they got famous he wouldn't be a "solo artist". I just don't get it. If you've got the talent and the songs, go for it, especially with pop, there are plenty of people who will listen. To me, these shows are just an unnecessary middleman.
I would imagine it's more the parents encouragement in regards to why she's on AGT. I do agree though that the majority of the reception she had there will be because she's so young, I'm willing to bet half the people giving her applause can't stand that style of music but did so because she's that old. It will however pick up attention for her, she'll likely get something out of it and then fall off the face of the earth in her teen years once the thing that made her unique has faded. Child 'prodigy' or other such terms are always a bit odd to me, for one it's easier to learn as a child (I really wish I'd kept up with music when I was a kid >.<) and for another some people just pick things up quicker - regardless of what age. Any of these things, be it an instrument or otherwise (I've seen "Child prodigy" gamers before ¬.¬ .. woo?) are mostly just going to be the result of being introduced very young and it only being seen as anything different due to the age, which ultimately means nothing.

On a slightly different but related note, I'm not a huge fan of fame for things like that... some sort of, I suppose gimmick. An instance that bugs me is 'The Iron Maidens' the all female Maiden cover band. They have released albums, but the only thing to make them any different to the existing Maiden albums is they are female.... they're no different to any other cover/tribute band, except they're all female (which still isn't THAT uncommon).

Err. apologies, failed to sleep tonight so I'm a bit cranky(er than normal).
Another funny thing about those shows is that you never ever hear from the winners of those shows ever again. They'll have 1 or 2 'hit' songs or whatever they do and they drop off the grid. Once they've got their 15 minutes of fame, no one gives a shit about them anymore. This is why I don't give a shit about them in the first place. I hate all of those shows.