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Going to see Cheap Trick tonight (have not been able to see who is opening) ... I would encourage anyway who has the change to go see them live .. they put on one hell of a show ... I think they got a bit of a bad wrap with "The Flame" and "Up The Creek" in the 80s ... these guys flat out rock and are incredible musicians.

Next to Maiden, one of the better live rock acts around IMO.
What, no janickgersfans.com? I'm deeply saddened by this.

However, I've just written a theatre group profile which turned out exactly 666 words long....quite pleased with that, I wasn't even trying.
Going to see Cheap Trick tonight (have not been able to see who is opening) ... I would encourage anyway who has the change to go see them live .. they put on one hell of a show ... I think they got a bit of a bad wrap with "The Flame" and "Up The Creek" in the 80s ... these guys flat out rock and are incredible musicians.
I've been trying to get to a Cheap Trick show for years. Something always comes up. Really would've liked to see them do Dream Police with the string section, that would've been rad. Dream Police is one of the best albums.
I really do not intend this to bring up anything political about planned parenthood .. but it seems odd to wish your Great Grandma had access to planned parenthood when she was unexpectedly pregnant with your grandmother which means her mother and she would not have been born ....?

Again .. do not mean this to be political, it just struck me as odd
— From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

Chelsea’s grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy.
And new research shows that her family is not alone in treasuring a person who – if Planned Parenthood had been successful – would not have been born.
What, no janickgersfans.com? I'm deeply saddened by this.

However, I've just written a theatre group profile which turned out exactly 666 words long....quite pleased with that, I wasn't even trying.

I like how Janick has always worn those white tops shoes since he joined the band. Reminds me of Zack Morris's style(saved by the bell reference). And I can't help but laugh the way he plays with the guitar at the live shows. Sometimes it looks like he's pulling imaginary hair out of the guitar strings.:lol:
I saw in my dream that I was in a large hotel and I could hear a maidenfans party somewhere 1 floor above me and I wanted to get there so bad I entered a room from the window (it was night-time) but it wasn't the right one and then I couldn't get out of the wrong room and the dream ended. And the maidenfans party ended too.