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What would a Norwegian pub in London be like? Pictures of ski jumpers on the walls and bloody expensive lager?

The expensive lager is a given, it's in central London. The Swedish barmaid was offended when I asked if the Sweden theme centered around the pub serving disgusting fish dishes (it was as it happened - that and showing winter sports on the TV).
The expensive lager is a given, it's in central London. The Swedish barmaid was offended when I asked if the Sweden theme centered around the pub serving disgusting fish dishes (it was as it happened - that and showing winter sports on the TV).

The Swedes have one of the meanest fish dishes in all of Europe - surströmming. It consists of fermented herring. If you have a sensitive nose, you shouldn't even consider opening a tin of it inside a building.
The Swedes have one of the meanest fish dishes in all of Europe - surströmming. It consists of fermented herring. If you have a sensitive nose, you shouldn't even consider opening a tin of it inside a building.

Aren't you meant to open that stuff under water? Stored in barrels of salt for a very long time before being put in can's specifically designed to handle the swelling if I recall? The smell being not only is pretty pungent but lingering for a very long time.

Been a long time since I went to the Jorvik center in York.
It was something I'd heard from both a few Danish people I know and the TV show QI (awesome!)... tried to see if it mentions it on wiki but instead of finding that I found another oddity.. there's a surstromming museum!?
^That sounds very nice and civilised :)

Fingers crossed, but I think I might have found a new flat. It's smaller (and more expensive) than my current one, but there'll be no travel to work , and it's in a really cool big Victorian building with towers!
In September I came up with an idea of what my two German lecturers do in their spare time, and that was go to a non-existent German pub in the centre of Birmingham where they would practice penalties, eat bratwurst and listen to Rammstein and David Hasslehoff.