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Gah, I'm getting a bad cold and I have to go to school soon for jazz band. It's Saturday ffs. :mad:
Good morning! A nice sunny day outside but not really sure what I'll do today. The husbands birthday is today so I suppose to maybe get him some things.

Aw! Sorry to hear that Mosh! On both accounts. :( Next weekend I have to work both Saturday AND Sunday due to my works Anniversary Sale so that will be oooh sooo much fun! :D

No, not really... :grumble:
After working for four hours, I went down to the gym (where I was alone). I found out that Disposable Heroes is a great song for lifting weights.
I can't speak for the rest of the forum, but on such a scale I think it's wrong. If it's a few songs or an album or two then I think it's fine but obtaining a band's entire discography that way is wrong. Obviously it won't affect Iron Maiden (although Steve is eating in Wetherspoons now!) but for me it's morally wrong to pirate a band's entire discography.
It's a good thing to have. I have pirated songs and albums in the past, I even downloaded a few Iron Maiden songs back in 2005 and eight years later I have just bought a ticket to see them for the sixth time and own all of their studio albums and all but one live album, all of which were bought and paid for by someone. I downloaded some albums by Iced Earth, Testament, In Flames and others so that I could check them out and since them I've bought most, if not all, of these bands' albums.