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Awesome! I'm glad to hear you're making progress. :D
The "cultural education project" I instituted in my family has had mixed results. My wife still hates Maiden, but she can pretty much identify a Maiden song, even if she doesn't recognize it, simply by the way it sounds. Son hates heavy metal, but loves Queen and the Beatles, and some Zeppelin and Deep Purple, so at least that's something. Daughter likes Maiden, but also likes Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber.* Ugh.

* Occurs to me that's not fair to Ms. Swift, who (though I am not a fan) is significantly more talented than Ms. Bieber.
The "cultural education project" I instituted in my family has had mixed results. My wife still hates Maiden, but she can pretty much identify a Maiden song, even if she doesn't recognize it, simply by the way it sounds. Son hates heavy metal, but loves Queen and the Beatles, and some Zeppelin and Deep Purple, so at least that's something. Daughter likes Maiden, but also likes Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber.* Ugh.

* Occurs to me that's not fair to Ms. Swift, who (though I am not a fan) is significantly more talented than Ms. Bieber.
That's quite a mixed batch you have going on there. At least one person in the family likes Maiden other than yourself and your son has good tastes too so can't complain there. As I've said before, I've gotten my husband into Maiden which is quite surprising to me still. We share some other musical interests but not a whole lot. My hope is that one day, when we do have kids, that they'll follow in our musical footsteps but I am prepared for any sort of musical "bumps" they might hit as they grow up.
On topic of getting other people into Maiden:
In high school I managed to get one friend into Maiden. He was a fan for year or two until he figured out he can't listen to Maiden because he's religious, and just stopped listening to the band.
I'm not even gonna try to get my parents into Maiden - my dad likes punk and classic rock, but metal just isn't his cup of tea. My mom only likes Serbian pop music.
The only person in my family with potential to become a Maiden fan is my 8 year old (half) brother... He likes rock music, and doesn't care about pop/TV music. When we're home alone, I play a lot of lighter metal, like Alice In Chains, Soundgarden etc, and he likes it. (His mom isn't a metal fan, so I can only play it when we're alone :P)
The only person in my family with potential to become a Maiden fan is my 8 year old (half) brother... He likes rock music, and doesn't care about pop/TV music. When we're home alone, I play a lot of lighter metal, like Alice In Chains, Soundgarden etc, and he likes it. (His mom isn't a metal fan, so I can only play it when we're alone :p)

Keep working on it!
Of course I will :D Sometime this year I'll be alone with him for few days, when his parents (we have same dad but different mothers btw.) go on a vacation, so I'll bring some Maiden DVD's and play them on repeat until he "absorbs" them :D
I hate not being able to reach people when I really need to. Fault is partly mine though, as I should have foreseen it.